Forget what your Travel Guide says: These are Top 5 Things you NEED to try at a German Christmas Market

1. "Champignons mit knoblauchsoße": Mushrooms with Garlic Sauce.  Even if you're not a mushroom fan.... Trust. 

2. "Dresdner Handbrot" is Dresdner hand bread.  But don't let the name fool you. It's bread stuffed with an overwhelming amount of GOUDA cheese.  (It gets better I promise)  Topped with your choice of mushrooms or bacon, sour cream, and chives.  I can't even begin to tell you how unbelievably good this was.  So good I didn't take a picture of the one I actually had in my hand, oops. :)

3. Schokokuss: If you like some chocolate covered marshmallow action; I know I do...

4. Gluewein: Alright I know it was evident that in the video it wasn't my favorite; but if you're at a Christmas market in Germany, you kind of have to try it.  It's like going to Paris and passing up on a croissant- stupid... lol So just try it. Most people like it anyways. 

5. Lebkuchen:  This heart-shaped cheesy romantic gesture waiting to happen is a traditional German baked Christmas treat- kind of like gingerbread, which is generally served around Christmas time with a cup of tea or coffee.. or even Gluewein. I'd much rather eat desserts but   sometimes guys buy this stuff with the words "Ich liebe dich" written on it a.k.a. "I love you" and put it around their ladies like a necklace... I mean nothing says I love you more than hanging a giant edible cookie around your lady's neck. lol

Now some of you might be asking.. Why and how did I forget to include Bratwurst, Currywurst, pommes, and schnitzel, and all the German foods they are FAMOUS for? Here's the answer: because you can get all of that ANY time of year and I'll be letting you know where you can find the best street food in Berlin in another article I'm currently working on for you all ;)   

But for now, these are the things I think you should try that are practically only available at the Christmas markets.. 


P.S.  for those of you who are German or who have been to the Christmas markets, what is your favorite treat?  Let me know! 


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