The ultimate Gift Guide for Travelers

Gift giving season is in full swing and many of us are overwhelmed just thinking about what to get our friends & family.  Whether you're a frequent jet-setter or not, the holidays are without a doubt one of the busiest times for travel- and you can bet that almost everyone you know will be spending at least some part of the season out of town. Whether it be for vacation, awkward family reunions, or a short getaway- here are some incredibly unique gifts you can give to those planning to travel this time of year.

For the Booze-Loving Traveler 

There's nothing that helps me get through a long flight more than a good cocktail.  These cocktail kits are the perfect solution to flying with anxiety & and even better reason to take instagrammable pictures on a plane. 

For the Photo Journalist 

Many people (including myself) don't like hauling around a big camera in order to get the perfect shot.  Luckily I found attachable lenses you can attach to your iPhone that take higher quality pictures. Yes. This exists. And I'm so. freaking. happy it does. 

For the Music Aficionado 

Because friends don't let friends listen to music with crappy ear phones. Period. 

For those who like to smell good- AKA  everyone. 

Pistachio Brulee perfume, creamy citrus body balm.... Do I really need to say anything else?

No, no I don't. 

For their home

The Perfect Backpack & Travel Tote 

Passport Covers/Wallets